Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Look at my new toys. I got the gold pan and sifter for Christmas from my brother-in-law.
The sluice box I got for my birthday in September.
I found a company on-line that sells small scale mining equipment named bazooka gold company
the website is
This is me with my vial of gold.


Jesse said...

Hey, Im impressed by your blog. I have a nephew that is autistic and a brother with severe symptoms of autism also. Youve been able to cope well with it. I wanted to know how well that bazooka mini gold trap works. Im a panner myself and am looking to buy one.

Davis said...

I like my mini bazooka gold trap it works well but the bigger one than the mini hauls more material than ever.

Jesse said...

Thanks, thats cool. I think im gonna get one,