Friday, November 25, 2011


                The VIEW
Try to see the view in the field
to witnes the weird
too happy as can be
go on hand to prepare for the worst
   as peppered by rocks
and whipped by sticks
that is whats happing in my head

               The HAPPENING
How cruel they are to put someone down
to praise the worst and blame the best
I cant see the future
but I can relate to the past
        p.s.(this is about bullies)

                   The  LEAF
       as a tree hold a leaf
can be loose in time
trying to loosen off the tree
and caught by the wind
falling down to the ground
until  it hits the ground
it looses life as a leaf

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My poems.

Can't see the forced hands upon my eyes
Truth cannot be touched by a living Animal
But ways to get over the fight
inside of me
can result in misery.

My battered bones crushed from a heavy weight
cannot be replaced by a single toothpick
Not a single person knows the way I think
I can't show my sorrows expression
to endredful pain in my chest

Trying to talk with gesture
from my hands to toes
can't prove a message that I'm not prepared.